
Why is Bush demanding retro-active telecoms surveillance cover?

Some folks may not realise this but the Administration is currently demanding that Congress pass an unconstitutional law to try to get retroactive legal cover Telecoms violations under FISA law both after
and before 9/11.

According to Barbara Honnegger,

It is primarily President Bush Bush, not the IT companies, who is pushing for retroactive immunity.

The carriers have told Congressional Democrats that they believe they're already protected under existing law. Their attorneys have read the Constitution and are fully aware that any such law would be overturned by the strict constructionist Supreme Court.


emember what happened to the Stalinists when Kruschev came to power (mock trials over Siberian gulags etc). Way I see it either Bush is literally protecting his own ass or he's demanding unconstitutional laws get passed just for the fun of it. Trying to set a precedent for future action maybe?

On the subject of Nuking versus Getting Nuked

I know there are hundreds, if not, literally, hundreds of millions of folks in the States and worldwide that are literally terrified as what might happen if our/their mad dictator finally does go off the deep end and actually 'use nuclear weapons' in the Iran/Middle East 'arena' if you will.

But how do you suppose the actual everyday Iranians feel about it? How the hell would you feel?

Oh, yeah, we might all die together in a sudden and virtually instant conflagration.

Could be tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

And how about late at night, when you can't sleep?