
Let me off right up here..

I think you're (all of you!) missing something important about the current elites. The capitalist elite stands virtually unchallenged across the globe, and if there is one thing Elites have learnt through the ages its that destablization and unrest is *bad*, calmness and status quo is good. That is, by definition of those who are in power right now the goal is to *prolong* the status quo and suppress dissent. The massive disruption that would be caused by any type of 'die off' (not that I believe the petri dish analogy applies
anyway) would certainly destablize the situation to a great degree. There may be folks at the wings of power that might benefit from such a situation, certainly such a situation could be exploited towards totalitarianist and police state ends, but it would also cloud the future and be a hell of a gamble to take for any but the most desperate. Even if totalitarianism had its day it could lead to a different crew at the top, as many specific elites within the hard right wing Junker and officer class of the Weimer republic discovered to their horror as their early support of the Nazis came back to hit them in the face in the late thirties.

On the subject of "six and a half billion people are just going to ruin the environment anyway", I think it's important to bear in mind that the use of fossil fuels suffers from shortages at both ends. Certainly at the source end there are the clear problems of running out (ie peak oil) however at the sink end, we are definitely running short of places to put the generated hydro carbons without causing massive disruption to the environment. Massive disruption to the environment means changing weather patterns, and I believe the evidence indicates, will lead to irrevocable famine, hunger and disease well before the oil runs out, or even runs short. The problem is, however, that the effects of oil at the sink end is delayed somewhat, whereas the effect of running out at the source is more immediate. The problem exists, however, at both ends!

To emphasize the above point, please consider that the energy flux contained within the global 'weather system' is thousands of times higher than all the energy that the human species consumes today. Destablize that and you have a serious problem on your hands. Also, one word - Gaia, 'nuff said.

Given the above secret supplies of oil is *not an option* that we can entertain.

However, I believe that human society has weathered much worse crises than having to drastically lower its energy consumption, and could *potentially* weather this one with ease... the reason we are (so far) failing to do that (collectively) with such spectacular incompetance is not a problem of technology or energy flux, the problem is political.

If the body politic of this world could rise to the situation, then I believe it could deal with it well. A return to less urban, less energy intensive lifestyle, coupled with population control and investment in alternative energy technologies (99% of the energy on this planet is derived directly or indirectly from the sun, so solar/wind/hydro seems like a good avenue to pursue to me) would go a long way to 'solving' the problem. Time has run out already, but we can certainly act now and avoid more harm.

I believe the solution above will happen, inevitably, one way or another, the only question, to me, is how painful a process it is along the way.

In fact, as I see it, the 'world' as a whole was moving steadily, slowly, painfully towards this raising of consciousness, but unfortunately the short-sighted, corrupt program of the current US elites has finally gained the upper hand, and they are happily continuing their trend towards US military dominance, imperialism and corruption.

Actually... Now that I think about it screw it, let me off the planet right up here.