OK, so here's the thing. If there's, like a whole lot of toxic waste in a huge explosion in the Jersey tunnel, you gotta blow the goddamn tunnel shut, man.
For the love of god, man. Like even if there are people there, man.
Which reminds me, I saw a man on the subway today and he had this hat that said, like, ""What the FUCK!".
So of course I said to him, "Young man, you appear to be wearing a hat that says "FUCK"". Not sure he got my sarcastic tone. In fact his attitude in response was somewhat reminiscent of Bruce Willis' aggresive neighbour in the fifth element, until I could calm him down. (Gotta remember to watch out for crazies on the subway huh).
Uh anyway... seeing his hat got me thinking about my own idea for a baseball cap of the "FDNY" variety that sprouted up everywhere especially after 911.
It would have "WSNY" on the front and "We wash away the blood" on the back. Funny huh? Not that there was much blood.
Now of course, never mind who washes the blood, the real question is "who washes the water? Hmm? Huh?
The goddamn WSNY ? You think they can do that ?
No man.
You can always wash away the blood, man, but who washes the goddamn water man, who does that?
Think about it.
China is waaay more important than Oil.
Please understand, I am speaking here in terms of what is important to those demented "We're gonna take over the whole freaking world" folks that seem to be in the Administration, at present.
I'm gonna call this my "CIMTO" theory. That is, as opposed to the "IATO" or "Its All About the Oil Stupid" theory, which is sometimes (given how laughingly ridiculous the "offical" theory one is) posited as the real reason behind the Iraq war.
Total change of subject, but I just got to the exploding tunnel fireball scene in "Daylight". Holy moly thats intense. Is that a good movie or what !
Please understand, I am speaking here in terms of what is important to those demented "We're gonna take over the whole freaking world" folks that seem to be in the Administration, at present.
I'm gonna call this my "CIMTO" theory. That is, as opposed to the "IATO" or "Its All About the Oil Stupid" theory, which is sometimes (given how laughingly ridiculous the "offical" theory one is) posited as the real reason behind the Iraq war.
Total change of subject, but I just got to the exploding tunnel fireball scene in "Daylight". Holy moly thats intense. Is that a good movie or what !
is a great movie. Cockroaches, Toxic Waste -- ahh New York. It even includes a line involving "Mr Thompson, we regret to inform you that..".
Which is right about where I got to before I started writing this blog. I'll let you know how it goes.
Which is right about where I got to before I started writing this blog. I'll let you know how it goes.
Wesley Clark is *not* Ramsey Clark
OK I'm going to publically admit it. When retired general Wesley Clark first announced for President, I had him confused with retired (US Attorney) general Ramsey Clark.
I admit it. Now I've got it sorted it out.
My only excuse was that Wesley Clark was all over CNN, whilst Ramsey Clark was all over Democracy Now and owing to my lack of attention to the former I kinda, uh.. oh never mind! If *you* need help keeping it straight, just remember - Wesley = Weasel, Ramsey = Tireless campaigner to end sanctions in iraq and defender of the rights of Iraqi children.
I admit it. Now I've got it sorted it out.
My only excuse was that Wesley Clark was all over CNN, whilst Ramsey Clark was all over Democracy Now and owing to my lack of attention to the former I kinda, uh.. oh never mind! If *you* need help keeping it straight, just remember - Wesley = Weasel, Ramsey = Tireless campaigner to end sanctions in iraq and defender of the rights of Iraqi children.
Protests in Turkey about big bomb
The following two quotes are from Reuters ‘alertnet’ story of protests in Turkey:
Turks gather to condemn attacks, blame U.S. policy
:: 22 Nov 2003 13:44:02 GMT
... "We know who the murderers are," said a caption on one placard, below pictures of U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
... "I believe these attacks carry the fingerprints of the CIA, Mossad and (Turkish intelligence service) MIT. They want to push Turkey and America closer together after recent tensions between them," said 22-year-old engineering student Mustafa Colak.
The only thing is, what if they’re, like ‘right’ ? Hmm.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, and “I won’t laugh your conspiracy theory out of the house, if you won’t mine” and all that .. hmm ?
read more at global free press..
Turks gather to condemn attacks, blame U.S. policy
:: 22 Nov 2003 13:44:02 GMT
... "We know who the murderers are," said a caption on one placard, below pictures of U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
... "I believe these attacks carry the fingerprints of the CIA, Mossad and (Turkish intelligence service) MIT. They want to push Turkey and America closer together after recent tensions between them," said 22-year-old engineering student Mustafa Colak.
The only thing is, what if they’re, like ‘right’ ? Hmm.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, and “I won’t laugh your conspiracy theory out of the house, if you won’t mine” and all that .. hmm ?
read more at global free press..
alt dot scorched earth
Once they were building this new college, see. And it came time to figure out where they were going to put the sidewalks. You see, they didn't want the stupid students to ravage the nice grass, so they wanted to place the sidewalks just right.
They thought about how to do this, and thought and thought, and had an idea.
They built the whole school without any sidewalks. Any at all.
Then they watched carefully, after the stupid, worthless students arrived, and saw where tracks started appearing in the lush lawns. Then they waited by those tracks. And whenever students walked by, they leaped out and beat the living shit out of them.
They kept this up for 9 months.
Then, during the summer, they built their sidewalks WHEREVER THE FUCK THEY WANTED. And when the students returned, battered and bruised, they were conditioned not to walk on the grass!
Of course, eight or nine years later, when the starting class graduated, the new students didn't have the conditioning. So the college had to be RAZED TO THE FUCKING GROUND!
Now there is nothing there but charred rubble. The end.
Bit of history... Saw this great post relating to now defunt 'Scorched Earth' party. Ahh, the salad days of 'alt.destroy.the.earth' when usenet was filled with wry geek humour...
They thought about how to do this, and thought and thought, and had an idea.
They built the whole school without any sidewalks. Any at all.
Then they watched carefully, after the stupid, worthless students arrived, and saw where tracks started appearing in the lush lawns. Then they waited by those tracks. And whenever students walked by, they leaped out and beat the living shit out of them.
They kept this up for 9 months.
Then, during the summer, they built their sidewalks WHEREVER THE FUCK THEY WANTED. And when the students returned, battered and bruised, they were conditioned not to walk on the grass!
Of course, eight or nine years later, when the starting class graduated, the new students didn't have the conditioning. So the college had to be RAZED TO THE FUCKING GROUND!
Now there is nothing there but charred rubble. The end.
Bit of history... Saw this great post relating to now defunt 'Scorched Earth' party. Ahh, the salad days of 'alt.destroy.the.earth' when usenet was filled with wry geek humour...
Realistic Facial Rendering
Oh man oh man they finally did it. 3D Computer graphics finally can render a face that actually looks totally realistic.
Knock me down with a feather and record this day in history.
Knock me down with a feather and record this day in history.
Great Come Back
After being slammed for his comments in a recent speech that "Jews rule the world" Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has issued this rebuttal.
``In my speech I condemned all violence, even the suicide bombings, and I told the Muslims it's about time we stopped all these things and paused to think and do something that is much more productive. That was the whole tone of my speech, but they picked up one sentence where I said that the Jews control the world,'' he told Bangkok Post in an exclusive interview yesterday, which covered aspects of his 22 years as leader of Malaysia, as well as his straight-forward views on terrorism, democracy and US policy.
Dr Mahathir added, however, that ``the reaction of the world shows that they [Jews] do control the world''.
Uh huh. Good to see you're really getting it there buddy.
``In my speech I condemned all violence, even the suicide bombings, and I told the Muslims it's about time we stopped all these things and paused to think and do something that is much more productive. That was the whole tone of my speech, but they picked up one sentence where I said that the Jews control the world,'' he told Bangkok Post in an exclusive interview yesterday, which covered aspects of his 22 years as leader of Malaysia, as well as his straight-forward views on terrorism, democracy and US policy.
Dr Mahathir added, however, that ``the reaction of the world shows that they [Jews] do control the world''.
Uh huh. Good to see you're really getting it there buddy.
Splits in the administration ? Please..
I'm always on the lookout for signs of conflict or disagreement within the tight pack of the current Administration (nee Junta). So, with that in mind, this was an interesting story..
"Rumsfeld was asked several times why the changes were necessary. "I think you have to ask Condi that question," he said, according to a transcript posted on the Web site of the Financial Times.
Pressed, he said: "I said I don't know. Isn't that clear? You don't understand English? I was not there for the backgrounding."
Also reported in the Gray Lady as "White House Seeks to Minimize Iraq Differences With Rumsfeld"
"Rumsfeld was asked several times why the changes were necessary. "I think you have to ask Condi that question," he said, according to a transcript posted on the Web site of the Financial Times.
Pressed, he said: "I said I don't know. Isn't that clear? You don't understand English? I was not there for the backgrounding."
Also reported in the Gray Lady as "White House Seeks to Minimize Iraq Differences With Rumsfeld"
oil reserves 80 percent less than predicted
Apparently its true.
Two days ago the powers that be in the form of CNN deigned to let us know that ...world's oil reserves are up to 80 percent less than predicted, a team from Sweden's University of Uppsala says. Production levels will peak in about 10 years' time...
In other news the first people to inform me about the above 'Peak Oil' problem are now pointing out that this could have a major impact on world food production.
Man, it just keeps getting better and better.
As I said before, and I'm sure I'll say again, we really don't have time to deal with the current batch of idiots* - we really have much more important things to worry about right now.
* With apologies to anybody that thinks I forgot the word 'evil' in the above sentence.
Two days ago the powers that be in the form of CNN deigned to let us know that ...world's oil reserves are up to 80 percent less than predicted, a team from Sweden's University of Uppsala says. Production levels will peak in about 10 years' time...
In other news the first people to inform me about the above 'Peak Oil' problem are now pointing out that this could have a major impact on world food production.
Man, it just keeps getting better and better.
As I said before, and I'm sure I'll say again, we really don't have time to deal with the current batch of idiots* - we really have much more important things to worry about right now.
* With apologies to anybody that thinks I forgot the word 'evil' in the above sentence.
Black Box Voting is finally released!
Posting the following here, just because I think its intersting and important. (Not that anybody reads this, except maybe google, in the middle of a dry, windy night).
An open letter from Bev Harris – blackboxvoting.com
Dear Everybody,
Black Box Voting – The book is out of the gate. Go here for FREE
electronic chapters 1-2. New uploads are scheduled every two
days. (They may come sooner.)
The book is also mirrored in PDF format on Scoop's "A Very
American Coup Page"
I would very much appreciate it if you post every chapter you get at
your web site, distribute them to public officials, call reporters
about them, e-mail this message to your contact lists. If you are a
journalist, review the information. If the site goes down, due to
hacking or legal retaliation by voting machine vendors, write about
If you are a citizen who is skilled with flash media or shockwave,
we encourage you to create presentations; you will find it easy to
script them when you read these chapters. Whether your work
takes a serious or humorous tone, you'll have plenty of fodder to
work with. Write songs, perform poetry, make documentaries.
Don't wait. We can solve this thing, and we can do so quickly, but
you must get involved.
An open letter from Bev Harris – blackboxvoting.com
Dear Everybody,
Black Box Voting – The book is out of the gate. Go here for FREE
electronic chapters 1-2. New uploads are scheduled every two
days. (They may come sooner.)
The book is also mirrored in PDF format on Scoop's "A Very
American Coup Page"
I would very much appreciate it if you post every chapter you get at
your web site, distribute them to public officials, call reporters
about them, e-mail this message to your contact lists. If you are a
journalist, review the information. If the site goes down, due to
hacking or legal retaliation by voting machine vendors, write about
If you are a citizen who is skilled with flash media or shockwave,
we encourage you to create presentations; you will find it easy to
script them when you read these chapters. Whether your work
takes a serious or humorous tone, you'll have plenty of fodder to
work with. Write songs, perform poetry, make documentaries.
Don't wait. We can solve this thing, and we can do so quickly, but
you must get involved.
the pweor of the hmuan mnid
The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and
you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe.
amzanig huh?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and
you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe.
amzanig huh?
The world, Bush said, is now riven by "the clearest of divides: between those who seek order and those who spread chaos; between those who work for peaceful change and those who adopt the methods of gangsters; between those who honor the rights of man and those who deliberately take the lives of men and women and children without mercy or shame. Between these alternatives there is no neutral ground."
Well, as I read in someone's sig just now, and as I thought at the time of his speech.. "Actions speak louder than words, and I think it's pretty clear which side of the divide Bush is on."
Dang it. Just noticed I already blogged this. However, this is so good I think its worth blogging twice, eh.
Well, as I read in someone's sig just now, and as I thought at the time of his speech.. "Actions speak louder than words, and I think it's pretty clear which side of the divide Bush is on."
Dang it. Just noticed I already blogged this. However, this is so good I think its worth blogging twice, eh.
Not Bush
Yaay. So I was finally gonna get off my butt and donate some money to one of those damn candidates. But guess what – great news - turns out I can’t ... As I can't answer yes to the following question: " I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States.".
Ahh.. mores' the pity eh.
PS. Kucinich's donation web-site lacks a little bit in the area of 'spiff' mores the pity.
PPS. I guess it will be Wesley Clark.. which I can definitely live with [CORRECTION: Actually that would suck. But the main thing to understand here is - anything except Bush !!]. Got that people! Right.
[Later further addition:
Juast checked out this site that demonstrates the effect of Instant Runoff Voting. Thought it was very cool. Anyway of the choices they offered, I picked, Ralph Nader, then Dennis Kucinich (despite a feeling in my gut that I shouldn't trust that man - dont ask me why theres just something about him), then Al Sharpton then Howard Dean... and aobut that point I trail off into obscurity. Definitely 100% NOT that evil, drug dealing conspirator Hillary Clinton]
Ahh.. mores' the pity eh.
PS. Kucinich's donation web-site lacks a little bit in the area of 'spiff' mores the pity.
PPS. I guess it will be Wesley Clark.. which I can definitely live with [CORRECTION: Actually that would suck. But the main thing to understand here is - anything except Bush !!]. Got that people! Right.
[Later further addition:
Juast checked out this site that demonstrates the effect of Instant Runoff Voting. Thought it was very cool. Anyway of the choices they offered, I picked, Ralph Nader, then Dennis Kucinich (despite a feeling in my gut that I shouldn't trust that man - dont ask me why theres just something about him), then Al Sharpton then Howard Dean... and aobut that point I trail off into obscurity. Definitely 100% NOT that evil, drug dealing conspirator Hillary Clinton]
Flying Rods
Let me state for the record, that of all the outlandish, far out, wild and unbelievable conspiracy theories, I have heard, I happen to think that the roswell rods thing holds more water than you would imagine at first glance.
Let me get it clear though, I have no reason to believe this involves aliens. What makes a *lot* more sense - given that many of these 'sightings' are in the vicinity of the advanced (and not suprisingly, secret) American air force aeronautic testing grounds - is that this is some new form of propulsion being tested out by the US airforce. Can't wait to see it for real.
Also I have a close friend who described seeing something like this from out of a normal commercial flight over the mid-west USA. Obviously you have no reason to trust my hearsay, but I trust him. This was before I saw the 'roswellrods' site, as it happens.
Remember, you heard it hear first - well uh.. unless you'd heard about it before ;_)
Let me get it clear though, I have no reason to believe this involves aliens. What makes a *lot* more sense - given that many of these 'sightings' are in the vicinity of the advanced (and not suprisingly, secret) American air force aeronautic testing grounds - is that this is some new form of propulsion being tested out by the US airforce. Can't wait to see it for real.
Also I have a close friend who described seeing something like this from out of a normal commercial flight over the mid-west USA. Obviously you have no reason to trust my hearsay, but I trust him. This was before I saw the 'roswellrods' site, as it happens.
Remember, you heard it hear first - well uh.. unless you'd heard about it before ;_)
Guantanamo Bay Secrets
Hmmm.. Its interesting that yesterday they were reporting that a suspect had been detained for two months for *posessing information about Guantanamo bay* and now there are reports that he is being accused of passing information to Syrian nationals. Suddenly a story, involving a chaplain and an air force commander *having* information about who was at Guantanamo bay (ie something that might, just maybe, turn out to be whistle blowers or people of good conscience being silenced through unlawful detentions) turns into a story involving Traitors selling secrets to hostile governments. Forgive me for being deeply cynical, but maybe there are Pentagon spinmeisters at work on this?
[Update: When it came down to it they dropped the espionage charges down to, uh.. what was it ? Adultery? Is that still a crime. Come on guys, you can do better than that? Hmm does this mean I was right in my original suspicions that maybe these folks were whistleblowers trying to get out information about what its like in that god forsaken place? ]
[Update: When it came down to it they dropped the espionage charges down to, uh.. what was it ? Adultery? Is that still a crime. Come on guys, you can do better than that? Hmm does this mean I was right in my original suspicions that maybe these folks were whistleblowers trying to get out information about what its like in that god forsaken place? ]
Discovered this dasher thing today.
Its really kinda cool - a lot cooler than it looks until you actually try it for yourself. Here's some of the text I produced whilst letting it generate randomly.
zoommission in the plates so small at leap olkly movices grin uportmosiness a respectational hen taks inkled out said the ing veterance the ormouse uddisior ames was as sidews maintains intlyers style in the uchess and that candidacityfifteelclaguelyheydible quite rules to th bhaked m venlight andhother the nited the property was very much the members of the is not mention in the universe rnor will look at the uchess more the early geniuses
Its really kinda cool - a lot cooler than it looks until you actually try it for yourself. Here's some of the text I produced whilst letting it generate randomly.
zoommission in the plates so small at leap olkly movices grin uportmosiness a respectational hen taks inkled out said the ing veterance the ormouse uddisior ames was as sidews maintains intlyers style in the uchess and that candidacityfifteelclaguelyheydible quite rules to th bhaked m venlight andhother the nited the property was very much the members of the is not mention in the universe rnor will look at the uchess more the early geniuses
Quote from Bush's recent speech to the UN General Assembly:
Events during the past two years have set before us the clearest of divides: Between those who seek order and those who spread chaos; between those who work for peaceful change and those who adopt the methods of gangsters; between those who honor the rights of man and those who deliberately take the lives of men and women and children, without mercy or shame.
Yeah... Right.
Events during the past two years have set before us the clearest of divides: Between those who seek order and those who spread chaos; between those who work for peaceful change and those who adopt the methods of gangsters; between those who honor the rights of man and those who deliberately take the lives of men and women and children, without mercy or shame.
Yeah... Right.
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